When You Don't Know Linux: Web Developer Blind Spot Exposed

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Three Blindfolded men in neon lights Image credit pexels.com/@ajae/

Yeah, I know, it’s a bit clickbait-y, right? But trust me, the content that follows is (hopefully) worth the sensationalised intro.

As a seasoned web developer, I’ve seen my fair share of tools, technologies, and operating systems. And let me tell you, if you’re not familiar with the mighty Linux, you’re missing out on a significant chunk of knowledge that can elevate your skills to the next level.

Now, I know as macOS or windows user you’re thinking: “Linux? Isn’t that just for geeks and basement dwellers?” Well, yes and no. While it’s true that Linux has historically been associated with the “tech-savvy” crowd, its adoption has spread far beyond the stereotypical image of a guy with a mullet typing away on his Amiga.

The Cloud Connection

In reality, most web development today revolves around cloud providers like AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. And what do these providers use as their primary operating system? You guessed it – Linux! 99% (yes, I said 99%) of websites, web applications, and microservices are deployed on some variant of Linux.

Think about it: when you provision an EC2 instance or a Google Cloud Compute Engine, you’re essentially booting up a Linux distribution. And as you manage your application’s deployment, scaling, and security, you’re interacting with the same underlying operating system.

The Benefits

So why should every web developer learn Linux? Here are just a few benefits:

  • Understanding of how it all works: By learning Linux, you’ll gain insight into the underlying infrastructure that powers most modern websites. This will help you better comprehend how applications interact with their environments.

  • Improved troubleshooting skills: When an issue arises on your production environment (and it will), being familiar with Linux will enable you to diagnose and resolve problems more efficiently.

  • Expanded job opportunities: In today’s cloud-first world, knowledge of Linux is a highly sought-after skill. Being proficient in Linux can open doors to new career paths and increase your earning potential

Hero’s journey

Let me tell you, learning Linux wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. There were plenty of times when I felt like throwing my laptop out the window. From obscure error messages to frustrating package management issues, there were many moments when I wondered why on earth I’d chosen this path.

And yet, despite the challenges, I persisted. Because the truth is, Linux offers a level of flexibility and control that’s hard to find elsewhere. Whether you’re working with serverless applications, containerization, or traditional infrastructure, Linux provides a solid foundation for building scalable, efficient systems better any other operating system IMO.

Getting Started

Now that I’ve piqued your interest (or maybe just nudged you awake from your Windows/Mac-induced haze), where do you begin?

  • Start with the basics: Get familiar with a easy Linux distribution like Ubuntu, or Fedora. You can download ISOs and spin up virtual machines to practice.

  • Experiment with command-line interfaces: Use tools like ssh, scp, and rsyslog to get a feel for how Linux works under the hood.

  • Learn about containerization and orchestration: With Docker and Kubernetes on the rise, mastering these technologies will further solidify your grasp of Linux.

In conclusion, knowing Linux is no longer a nicety – it’s a necessity. Whether you’re building a simple website or a complex microservices architecture, understanding the underlying operating system that powers most modern applications will elevate your skills and career prospects.