
Hey there! I’m Lorre, a passionate full-stack web developer based in the heart of London. My journey into the world of code started with a simple fascination: building things that people could interact with. That spark ignited a love for both the artistic side of design and the meticulous logic of backend development.

Today, I thrive on crafting seamless user experiences, whether it’s through dynamic React/Solid/Svelte applications, intuitive interfaces, or immersive 3D visualizations powered by Three.js. My tech stack is my playground, allowing me to experiment with cutting-edge technologies like Tauri for building native desktop apps and explore the potential of languages like Rust and Go for robust backend solutions.

Beyond the code itself, I’m driven by a desire to solve problems creatively and build products that truly make a difference. My portfolio showcases a diverse range of projects, each reflecting my dedication to clean, efficient, and user-centric design.

Let’s connect! I’m always eager to collaborate on exciting new projects and learn from fellow developers in the vibrant London tech scene.

Next.js TypeScript threejs astro Linear
Next.js TypeScript threejs astro Linear

Tech Stack

In my day-to-day work, I’m using a variety of technologies, including but not limited to the following:

Tools I use.